
What Clients Say About Us
A Word To The Contract-Weary
How We Can Help You

In addition to saving you time and money…Are you trying to define a market that isn’t already obvious? Want to impress the investment banker? Too busy to write that report? Need facts for your promotional materials or legal case? Want to know about your competition? Looking for business alliances or new clients? Don’t have a big enough budget for a PR agency? Hate to write speeches? Need a quick survey to gauge the thinking of your target market? Right-hand person traveling or downsized? Want to expand into new markets or try a new strategy? Need some help identifying potential new products or services? Don't have the time to maintain your innovation pipeline?

PHONE: 973-746-0698
FAX: 973-746-0065
64 Woodmont Road
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043

© 2002 Woodmont Group